The telecommunications industry has experienced more change in the last decade than in its entire history.
The traditional way of marketing traditional telecoms services – voice, SMS and metered data – is fast becoming outmoded and is plunging telecom service providers even deeper into a savage fight for market share. The big challenge – which also presents a major growth opportunity for the sector – is that consumers are addicted to digital services – social networking, instant messaging, microblogs, internet video and other over-the-top (OTT) communication applications – all keeping pressure on the industry to increase the availability and quality of broadband connectivity.
The Industry challenges:
By Forrester survey customer experience is driving shareholder value. By their customer experience index most brands rate OK or worse (CXi 2014 measured in the UK, FRANCE, GERMANY) and the worst (very poor) is rated TK industry (TV and Wireless service providers).
Being a company with a customer – centric approach to the business, who actively engage employees at every level and function and strongly align customer experience with her end goals. And being able to deliver a seamless customer experience.
Moving away from offering limited products and services through limited channels, and into more sophisticated, personalised offerings, delivered and serviced through multiple channels. Operators need to make a commitment to each customer and that involves building a sophisticated multi-channel relationship with individuals.
Route contacts to the best resource available, with the right skills – based on your business rules – regardless of location or channel they use:
Provide customer 24/7 personalized, accurate and fast support.
Engage with customers and prospects in real time via their preferred channel of communication.
Proactively identify, monitor and capture the highest-value customers, their interest in additional products and services and:
Use chat, co-browse, email, mobile apps, click-to call,… to increase on-line completion rates for:
Notify customers via different channels for:
Implement targeted campaigns, based on customer segmentation, budget, communication channels we want to use within one campaign and monitor customer responses.
Reduce web site abandonment by helping your visitors complete forms, understand account options and answer any last-minute questions to ensure shopping cart conversion.
Provide automation and self-service.
Increase first contact resolution rates, shorten training times an increase agent capacity.
Plan, train and assess employees to achieve both operational efficiency and effectiveness.
Calculate staffing, aggregate multi-system work, prioritize & distribute to the best resource to meet:
Increase productivity with: